Tesfaye Belay Senbeta


Ph. D. student, Department of Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

Address: Ul. Kksiecia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warsaw

Phone: +48794051171

E-mail: tsenbeta@igf.edu.pl


  1. Since October 2019, PhD student at Geoplanet Doctoral School, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Doctoral Dissertation Title: An integrated approach for assessing the dynamics of hydrological processes and physical vulnerability to drought considering climate change and human interventions.
  • Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hab. Inż. Renata Julita Romanowicz (deceased) and Dr. Hab. Inż. Krzyszof Kochanek
  • Co-advisor: Dr. Emilia Karamuz
  1. 2009-2011. Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (with distinction),  Interuniversity Programme  (https://iupware.be/),  a Joint Programme of the University of Leuven (https://www.kuleuven.be/)  and Free University of Brussels  (https://www.vub.be/), Belgium.
  • Master Thesis Title: Evaluating the importance of hydrological model structure Uncertainty on the hydrological Impact of Climate Change.
  • Promoter: Prof. Okke Batelaan
  • Co-advisors: Dr. Jef Dams and Dr. Ir. Jirri Nossent
  1. 2002-2006. Bachelor of Science in Soil and Water Engineering (with distinction), Hawassa (Formerly called Debub) University (http://www.hu.edu.et/hu/), Hawassa, Ethiopia.
  • Bachelor thesis title: Comparison of potential evapotranspiration estimation methods in rainfall-runoff modeling: A case study of the Lake Hawassa catchment.
  • Advisor: Dr. Eng.  Mulugeta Dadi        


  • 2014-2018. Lecturer at Department of Civil Engineering, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Finfinnee/Addis Ababa, Oromia, Ethiopia.
  • 2012-2013. Lecturer at Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Wollega University, Nekemte, Oromia, Ethiopia. 

Research interests

  • An integrated hydrological (surface-groundwater flow) modeling
  • Drought dynamics and vulnerability assessment
  • Climate change and human interventions impact assessment on hydrological processes and drought
  • Spatial analysis using GIS and remote sensing

Scholarships and awards

  • From Oct. 2019-present, HUMDROUGHT project scholarship, funded by NCN, Warsaw, Poland.
  • From Jan. to Sept. 2019, developing countries scholarship, funded by the Czech Republic Government, Prague, Czeck Republic.
  • Sept. 2009 - Sept. 2011. ICP VLIR-UOS scholarship, funded by Belgium Government, Belgium.


  • Senbeta, T.B., Romanowicz, R.J., 2021. The role of climate change and human interventions in affecting watershed runoff responses. Hydrological Processes 35. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14448
  • Karamuz, E., Bogdanowicz, E., Senbeta, T.B., Napiórkowski, J.J., Romanowicz, R.J., 2021. Is It a Drought or Only a Fluctuation in Precipitation Patterns ?— Drought Reconnaissance in Poland. Water 13, 807. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/w13060807
  • Dams, J., Nossent, J., Senbeta, T.B., Willems, P., Batelaan, O., 2015. Multi-model approach to assess the impact of climate change on runoff. Journal of Hydrology 529, 1601–1616. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.08.023