Dr hab. Rafał Szaniawski, prof. PAN

Department of Magnetism,  IG PAS Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Ksiecia Janusza 64, 01-45
tel.: +48 22 6915 756


2014 - habilitation, Earth Sciences, discipline Geophysics, at Institute of Geophysics, PAS

2005 – PhD thesis, Institute of Geophysics, PAS with collaboration with University of Lille 1 (France). "Paleomagnetyzm a tektogeneza waryscydów europejskich na przykładzie Ardenów Francji i Belgi (Paléomagnétisme et tectogénése des Variscides du Nord de la France et Sud de la Belgique)". Thesis awarded (très honorable) by French PhD board.

1997 - MSc thesis, Geology Department , Warsaw University in collavioration with Institute of Geophysics, PAS


1997 - Institute of Geophysics, PAS, Department of Earth Magnetism, Palaeomagnetic  Laboratory

1998-2003 – University Lille 1 (France), Laboratory: Processus et Bilans des Domaines Sédimentaires (PhD scholarship).

Research projects:

Project NCN, Opus 72014/13/B/ST10/01151, Badania paleomagnetyczne piaskowców dolnego triasu z autochtonicznej pokrywy osadowej Centralnych Karpat Zachodnich ukierunkowane na  określenie stopnia rotacji tej jednostki względem platformy europejskiej, 2015-2018, project leader

Project MNiSW, 2447/B/P01/2007/33, Badania tektogenezy Karpat zewnętrznych na obszarze Polski południowo-wschodniej i zachodniej Ukrainy w oparciu o metody paleomagnetyzmu i strukturalne. 2008-2011, project leader

NCBiR, Zintegrowane badania geomechaniczne w celu intensyfikacji wydobycia gazu z łupkowych formacji Pomorza. 2015-2017, principal investigator, task No 2 coordinator at IG PAS

Project MNiSW, nr. N307 037 31/2527, Paleomagnetyzm węglanowych skał dewonu w Górach Świętokrzyskich: diagenetyczne i tektoniczne uwarunkowania kontrastów magnetycznych. 2006-2009, principal investigator.

Project MNiSW, nr. 6 PO4D 034 18, Paleogeografia Baltiki we wczesnym paleozoiku na podstawie badań paleomagnetycznych osadów kambru i ordowiku Bornholmu. 2000-2002, principal investigator.

Project MNiSW, nr. 6PO4D 02621, Młodopaleozoiczna tektonika w południowej części Gór Świętokrzyskich i jej zapis strukturalny, sedymentologiczny i stratygraficzny. 2001-2004, principal investigator.


PhD thesis supervisor:
D. Staneczek (2019-)
D. Niezabitowska (2016-2021)
K. Dudzisz (2015-2018)
MSc thesis supervisor:
J. Roszkowska (2008) – collaboration with Geology Department of Warsaw Univerisity
D. Staneczek (2019) – collaboration with Earth Sciences Department University of Silesia

Selected papers:

Niezabitowska, D.K., Szaniawski, R., 2023. The Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) terranes palaeoposition and depositional environment in Silurian—new insights from rock magnetic studies. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 234(3), pp. 1531–1549, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggad129

Staneczek, D., Szaniawski, R., Szczygieł, J. 2022. Transpression-driven deformations of the Chočské vrchy Mountains (Western Carpathians): Insights from magnetic fabric. GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, OCTOBER 2022, 73, 5, 451–471, https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.73.5.4

Niezabitowska, D.K., Roszkowska-Remin, J., Szaniawski, R., Derkowski, A. 2021. Magnetic susceptibility variations in lower Paleozoic shales of the western Baltic Basin (northern Poland): A tool for regional stratigraphic correlations and the decoding of paleoenvironmental changes. AAPG Bulletin, 2021, 105(5), pp. 987–1007, https://doi.org/10.1306/12092019183

Szaniawski R., Ludwiniak M., Mazzoli S., Szczygieł J., Jankowski L., 2020. Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data from Lower Triassic redbeds of the Central Western Carpathians: new constraints on the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian region. Journal of the Geological Society, 17 January 2020

Niezabitowska D., Szaniawski R., Jackson, M., 2019. Magnetic mineral assemblage as a potential indicator of depositional environment in gas-bearing Silurian shales from Northern Poland, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 218, Issue 2, 1 August, Pages 1442–1455

Dudzisz, K., Michalski, K., Szaniawski, R., Nejbert, K., Manby, G. 2019. Palaeomagnetic, rock-magnetic and mineralogical investigations of the Lower Triassic Vardebukta Formation from the southern part of the West Spitsbergen Fold and Thrust Belt. Geological Magazine, 156 (4), pp. 620-638.

Niezabitowska, D.K., Szaniawski, R., Roszkowska-Remin, J., Gąsiński, A., 2019. Magnetic Anisotropy in Silurian Gas-Bearing Shale Rocks From the Pomerania Region (Northern Poland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124 (1), pp. 5-25.

Dudzisz, K., Szaniawski, R., Michalski, K., Chadima, M., 2018. Rock magnetism and magnetic fabric of the Triassic rocks from the West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt and its foreland Tectonophysics, 728-729, pp. 104-118.

Schito, A., Andreucci, B., Aldega, L., Corrado, S., Di Paolo, L., Zattin, M., Szaniawski, R., Jankowski, L., Mazzoli, S., 2018. Burial and exhumation of the western border of the Ukrainian Shield (Podolia): a multi-disciplinary approach. Basin Research, 30, pp. 532-549.

Szaniawski, R., Mazzoli, S., Jankowski, L., 2017. Controls of structural inheritance on orogenic curvature and foreland basin sedimentation: Insights from the Przemyśl area, Western Carpathians. Journal of Structural Geology, 103, pp. 137-150.

Marynowski, L., Pisarzowska, A., Derkowski, A., Rakociński, M., Szaniawski, R., Środoń, J., Cohen, A.S., 2017. Influence of palaeoweathering on trace metal concentrations and environmental proxies in black shales. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 472, pp. 177-191.

Castelluccio, A., Mazzoli, S., Andreucci, B., Jankowski, L., Szaniawski, R., Zattin, M., 2016. Building and exhumation of the Western Carpathians: New constraints from sequentially restored, balanced cross sections integrated with low-temperature thermochronometry. Tectonics, 35 (11), pp. 2698-2733.

Dudzisz, K., Szaniawski, R., Michalski, K., Manby, G., 2016. Applying the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility technique to the study of the tectonic evolution of the West Spitsbergen Fold-and-Thrust Belt. Polar Research, 35, art. no. 31683.

Konon, A., Nadimi, A., Koprianiuk, M., Wysocka, A., Szaniawski, R., Wygladała, M., Słaby, E., Beygi, S., Barski, M., 2016. Formation of intracontinental basins in the opposite corners of the Tabas block as coeval structures controlled by transpressional faulting, Iran. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 128 (11-12), pp. 1593-1617.

Castelluccio, A., Andreucci, B., Zattin, M., Ketcham, R.A., Jankowski, L., Mazzoli, S., Szaniawski, R., 2015. Coupling sequential restoration of balanced cross sections and low-temperature thermochronometry: The case study of the western carpathians. Lithosphere, 7 (4), pp. 367-378.

Andreucci, B., Castelluccio, A., Corrado, S., Jankowski, L., Mazzoli, S., Szaniawski, R., Zattin, M., 2014. Interplay between the thermal evolution of an orogenic wedge and its retro-wedge basin: An example from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 127 (3-4), pp. 410-427.

Szaniawski, R., Mazzoli, S., Jankowski, L., Zattin, M., 2013. No large-magnitude tectonic rotations of the Subsilesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians: Evidence from primary magnetization recorded in hematite-bearing Weglówka Marls. Journal of Geodynamics, 71, pp. 14-24.

Andreucci, B., Castelluccio, A., Jankowski, L., Mazzoli, S., Szaniawski, R., Zattin, M., 2013. Burial and exhumation history of the Polish Outer Carpathians: Discriminating the role of thrusting and post-thrusting extension. Tectonophysics, 608, pp. 866-883.

Szaniawski, R., Ludwiniak, M., Rubinkiewicz, J., 2012. Minor counterclockwise rotation of the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians) as derived from paleomagnetic results achieved in hematite-bearing Lower Triassic sandstones. Tectonophysics, 560-561, pp. 51-61.

Mazzoli, S., Szaniawski, R., Mittiga, F., Ascione, A., Capalbo, A., 2012. Tectonic evolution of Pliocene-Pleistocene wedge-top basins of the Southern Apennines: New constraints from magnetic fabric analysis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 49 (3), pp. 492-509. doi: 10.1139/e11-067

Szaniawski, R., Ludwiniak, M., Rubinkiewicz, J., 2012. Minor counterclockwise rotation of the Tatra Mountains (Central Western Carpathians) as derived from paleomagnetic results achieved in hematite-bearing Lower Triassic sandstones. Tectonophysics, 560-561, pp. 51-61.

Szaniawski, R., Konon, A., Grabowski, J., Schnabl P., 2011. Palaeomagnetic age constraints on folding and faulting events in Devonian carbonates of the Kielce Fold Zone (southern Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland), Geological Quarterly, 55 (3) : 223-234.

Zattin, M., Andreucci, B., Jankowski, L., Mazzoli, S. and Szaniawski, R. (2011), Neogene exhumation in the Outer Western Carpathians. Terra Nova, 23: 283–291. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.01011.x

Mazzoli S., Jankowski L., Szaniawski R., Zattin M., 2010. Low-T thermochronometric evidence for post-thrusting (< 11 Ma) exhumation in the Western Outer Carpathians, Poland. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342 (2):162-169.

Szaniawski R., Lewandowski M., 2009. Palaeomagnetic age constraints indicate post-Variscan orgin of massive breccia in Wietrznia Quarry (Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland).Geological Quarterly, 53 (3): 357-362.

Grabowski J., Michalik J., Szaniawski R., Grotek I., 2009. Synthrusting remagnetization of the Krizna nappe: high resolution palaeo- and rock magnetic study in the Strazovce section, Strazovske vrchy Mts, Central West Carpathians (Slovakia). Acta Geologica Polonica, 59 (2): 137-155.

Szaniawski R, 2008. Late Paleozoic geodynamics of the Malopolska Massif in the light of new paleomagnetic data for the southern Holy Cross Mountains., Acta Geologica Polonica, 58 (1): 1-12.

Lacquement F, Averbuch O, Mansy J-L, Szaniawski R, Lewandowski M, 2005. Transpressional deformations at lateral boundaries of propagating thrust-sheets: the example of the Meuse Valley Recess within the Ardennes Variscan fold-thrust belt (N France-S Belgium). Journal of Structural Geology, 27, 1788-1802.

Szaniawski, R., Lewandowski, M., Mansy, J-L., Averbuch O., Lacquement, F. 2003. Syn-folding magnetization in the French-Belgium Variscides as a marker of the fold belt tectonic evolution. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 174, no.5, 511-523.

Averbuch O., Lacquement F., Szaniawski R., Mansy J-L., Lewandowski M., 2002. Segmentation of the Variscan thrust front (N France, S Belgium): insights into the geometry of the Devonian Rheno-Hercynian Basin. Aardk. Mededel.Geologica Belgica, vol. 12, 89-92.

Lewandowski M., Mansy J.L., Averbuch O., Lamarche J., Szaniawski R., 1999. Paleomagnetic dating of brittle tectonic structures: case studies on Ferques Fault (Boulonnais, France) and two faults from the Holy Cross MTS (Poland). Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 329, 495-502.