

UN 2023 Water Conference: ISC Policy Brief

During the UN 2023 Water Conference the International Science Council (ISC) presented a new document concerning water policy. Prof. Paweł Rowiński, Head of Hydrology and Hydraulics Department at IG PAS, was a co-author of this document.

The brief groups the numerous water challenges into four main categories with associated examples and focal areas that each demand different scientific responses. Together with concluding advice, this policy brief aims to efficiently engage with policy- and decision-makers and other stakeholders at UN- and Member States-level to translate scientific insights into tangible improvements and support the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
Drawing on the expertise of its broad-based membership in the natural and social sciences as well as technology, the ISC is prepared to provide integrated, independent and evidence-based advisory support to UN-Water, to the relevant organizations of the UN system, and to Member States as needed to achieve SDG 6 and other relevant SDGs.
Key messages
1. The world is not on track to meet global targets related to water as defined in SDG 6 and other relevant SDGs. Water crises across the globe threaten the achievement of key development and environmental goals and ultimately all the SDGs, given the centrality of water in social, political and economic affairs across all scales.
2. The ISC has identified four categories of water challenges that require different science–policy–practice strategies to address them. These challenges range from well understood issues that only lack implementation of proven solutions to new and emerging issues that require additional research and innovative thinking. This brief describes such issues and opportunities to translate knowledge into solutions and improvements on the ground.
3. Science is indispensable for generating knowledge to address the complex interplay of natural and human factors that still hinder progress in resolving current water challenges. This requires a more systematic dialogue between policy-makers and scientists on evidence-based policy options to support tangible action and anticipate future water-related risks.
4. Drawing on its broad-based global membership, the ISC stands ready to provide policy-makers at the global and national level with the required independent and evidence-based guidance, including anticipative research addressing future water risks.

Download the ISC Policy Brief.
