

in the white house about arctic

On September 28, science ministers from around the world will meet in Washington to discuss changes occurring in the Arctic.(White House Arctic Science Ministerial).

This date is not random – it’s the first anniversary of the historic visit of President Barack Obama in Alaska.The event is an expression of the growing awareness of geopolitical, environmental and economic importance of the region.

The White House will bring together ministers of science and high-level officials from around the world, as well as representatives of local groups, in order to develop broad cooperation in science, research, observation, monitoring and data sharing in the long run.

Obviously Poland, having great traditions and impressive achievements in research of the Arctic, could not be left out – we’ll be represented by Deputy Minister of Science, prof. Teresa Czerwińska. Also, the Chairman of the Centre for Polar Studies - prof. Jacek Jania will participate in the event.

The event will be focused on 4 key topics:

  • Arctic Science Challenges and their Regional and Global Implications;
  • Strengthening and Integrating Arctic Observations and Data Sharing;
  • Applying Expanded Scientific Understanding of the Arctic to Build Regional Resilience and Shape Global Responses;
  • Arctic Science as a Vehicle for STEM Education and Citizen Empowerment.

In Washington, there will also be a significant event linked directly to the IGF PAN - just before the opening of the Ministerial, in the context of accompanying meeting forum "Arctic research engine of environmental education and mobilization of civil society" will be presented recently launched “Edu-Arctic - an innovative educational program increasing the interest of young people in science and polar research”, of which the Institute is a leader (coordinating entity).

For more detailed information about the Ministerial

For more detailed information about the side event:

  • Polish Polar Station by Mateusz Moskalik

    Polish Polar Station by Mateusz Moskalik