Department of Theoretical Geophysics
Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
01-452 Warszawa, ul. Ks. Janusza 64,
phone: +48 22 6915682, fax: +48 22 6915915
email: wbielski@igf.edu.pl


Hab. dr of Geophysics (IGF PAN, 2007)
PhD in Mathematics (Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Warsaw University, 1976)
MSc in Mathematics (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Warsaw University, 1968)


2007 – Associate Professor (in Polish – Docent) Department of Seismology and Earth Interior Physics, Inst. of Geophys. of Pol. Acad. Sci.
1976 -2007, Assistant Professor (in Polish - Adiunkt), Institute of Geophysics, Pol. Ac. Sci.,
1969-1976, Senior Research Assistant, Dept. of Mathematics and Mechanics, Warsaw University
1968-1969, Research Assistant, Dept. of Mathematics and Physics, Warsaw University

Head of Ph.D Studies in Institute of Geophysics
Reaserch projects (leader)
Grant KBN - No 6 P04D 039 15 (1998-2001)
Grant KBN – 6 P04D 007 27 (2003-2007), Modeling of porous media: hierarchical structures, one and multiphase-flows


W. Bielski, J.J. Telega, R. Wojnar, Nonstationary flow of a viscous fluid through a porous elastic medium: Asymptotic analysis and two-scale convergence, .
Włodzimierz R. Bielski, Józef Joachim Telega, A contribution to modelling of friction on tectonic faults, . 2000, 48, 33-43.
W. Bielski, J.J. Telega, 2001, Modelling contact problems with friction in fault mechanics, 39, 475-505.
J.J. Telega , W. Bielski, 2002, Stochastic homogenization and macroscopic modelling of composites and flow through porous media, 2002, 28-29, 337-378 ( 256 KB), Full text
J.J. Telega , W. Bielski, 2003, Flows in random porous media: effective models 30, 271–288.
W., Kruglenko, E., , J.J., Miary Younga i ich zastosowania w mikromechanice i optymalizacji. Część I. Podstawy matematyczne 2003, Nr 4, 90-138.
W. R. Bielski, , Publ. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci., A-29 (388), Warszawa, 2005
W. Bielski, B. Gambin, , (in preparation, 2010)